Technical Supports

  • Technical Supports
  • Grinding Speed
Grinding Speed

Grinding Speed (V) m/min = D(m)N D: Diameter of wheel(unit : m), N : A number of rotation per minute.

*Belows are indicate general information for Grinding Speed. It should be adjust in the consideration of characteristic of workpiece, required roughness, productivity, wear-out of wheel, etc.

Surface Grinding Internal Grinding Cylindrical Grinding Tool Grinding
DIAMOND Resin Wet 600~1200 600~1200 1200~1800 1100~1900
Dry 400~700 900~1300
Metal Wet 1200~1500 700~1200 700~1200 700~1200
Dry 500~700 500~700
Vitri Wet 1200~1800 800~1400 1200~1800 1200~1900
Dry 700~1200 700~1200
E-plated Wet 1200~1500 1200~2000 1400~2400 1400~2400
Dry 700~1200 700~1200
CBN Resin Wet 1300~2100 1100~1800 1500~2100 1200~1800
Dry 900~1200 1100~1500
Metal Wet 1300~1800 700~1200 1100~1800 1200~1500
Dry 600~900 600~900
Vitri Wet 1400~2400 1200~2000 1400~2400 1400~2400
Dry 800~1200 800~1200
E-plated Wet 1400~2400 1200~2000 1400~2400 1400~2400
Dry 900~1400 900~1400